Articles | Volume 14
11 Jul 2017
 | 11 Jul 2017

Public crowdsensing of heat waves by social media data

Valentina Grasso, Alfonso Crisci, Marco Morabito, Paolo Nesi, and Gianni Pantaleo

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Engaging students and teachers in meteorology and atmospheric sciences: the LaMMA activities
Valentina Grasso, Giorgio Bartolini, Riccardo Benedetti, Giulio Betti, Valerio Capecchi, Bernardo Gozzini, Ramona Magno, Andrea Orlandi, Luca Rovai, Claudio Tei, Tommaso Torrigiani, and Federica Zabini
Adv. Sci. Res., 14, 109–114,,, 2017
Short summary
Italian codified hashtags for weather warning on Twitter – who is really using them?
Valentina Grasso, Alfonso Crisci, Marco Morabito, Paolo Nesi, Gianni Pantaleo, Imad Zaza, and Bernardo Gozzini
Adv. Sci. Res., 14, 63–69,,, 2017
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Cited articles

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Short summary
This work presents an analysis of tweets related to heat waves occurred in Italy in summer 2015. Social media offer new opportunities to indirectly measure the impact of heat waves on society. Tweets related to heat conditions were retrieved and analysed for main features. The daily volume of users and messages was a valuable indicator of heat wave impact in urban areas. The volume of tweets in certain locations was used to estimate thresholds of local discomfort conditions.