Articles | Volume 13
10 Jun 2016
 | 10 Jun 2016

Delivery and communication of severe weather events in Basque Country: the Euskalmet case

Santiago Gaztelumendi, Iñaki Orbe, Onintze Salazar, Ana Lopez, José Antonio Aranda, and Pedro Anitua

Abstract. In this work we briefly introduce some aspects about delivery and communication of severe weather events in Basque Country, explaining what is considered severe weather by the Basque Meteorology Agency (Euskalmet) in the context of Basque Country. We include a short description of some products generated for different purposes during such events, presenting different aspects related with delivery and communication processes in the operational context of Euskalmet. We review some real examples on severe weather communication and message dissemination in Basque Country. Finally, some conclusions about our experience are presented.